As most of you know, I was in South America recently. It was a long rotation – we started off from Frankfurt to Dakar in Senegal, where we stayed overnight. 14 hours later we were at work again to fly … Continue reading

Blog posts related to or talking about Boeing aircraft.
As most of you know, I was in South America recently. It was a long rotation – we started off from Frankfurt to Dakar in Senegal, where we stayed overnight. 14 hours later we were at work again to fly … Continue reading →
Finally! The new MD-11 Calendars 2015 have arrived and you can now order them online! Just click here to go to the MD-11 Calendar 2015 page… This is your chance to get the only MD-11 calendar in the world and … Continue reading →
As you might know, I have been to the air traffic control tower at Frankfurt Airport last year to talk to the air traffic controllers and take some photos. Last month I decided it was again time to visit my … Continue reading →
After having spent a couple of days in Miami it was time for me to move on to the “entertainment capital of the world”, as Las Vegas brands itself. Surprisingly there are only few direct connections available from the Miami … Continue reading →
After flying from Germany to Miami on Air Berlin, I had a couple of days to explore Southern Florida. I had to spend some time had the beach, as the weather was just perfect with blue skies and temperatures around … Continue reading →
As you know, I have spent a couple of days in Detroit due to the snow storm there. When I woke up yesterday morning, the weather had changed dramatically to the better. See the sunrise from my hotel room was … Continue reading →
I hope that all of you had a Merry Christmas or as the Germans say “Frohe Weihnachten”! Did you know that the word christmas actually originates from the Middle English “Christemasse” that is closely related to the German “Christmesse”, which … Continue reading →
Having arrived in Dubai in the early morning hours on Monday, I have had a busy time since then and hardly any sleep! Contrary to what one would usually think, going to the Dubai Airshow every day is hard work … Continue reading →
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