Here I am having breakfast at 9 am at Einstein Bros in one of the best metropolitan cities in America that I know. It got the greatness of New York, but it is more relaxed, more quiet and its location … Continue reading

Here I am having breakfast at 9 am at Einstein Bros in one of the best metropolitan cities in America that I know. It got the greatness of New York, but it is more relaxed, more quiet and its location … Continue reading →
I am lacking a bit behind with my updates and I am terribly sorry for that, so here we go again! Day 4 of “An American journey” After my layover day Atlanta it was time to get back to work! … Continue reading →
Here is what happened on Day 2 of my “An American journey” 10 day live feed This morning I got up at 4 am, showered quickly, put on my uniform and left the hotel at 04.45 to walk over to … Continue reading →
Today I will be starting a project that I haven’t done before – I will report from a rotation that covers four American countries in 10 days live. After every flight I will give you an update on what happened, … Continue reading →
As you might know, I have been to the air traffic control tower at Frankfurt Airport last year to talk to the air traffic controllers and take some photos. Last month I decided it was again time to visit my … Continue reading →
It has been a while since I updated the appearance of my website and while further adjustments will be made in the near future, one important milestone has finally been reached – my shop is online! I have just started … Continue reading →
According to Wikipedia, Bush flying is defined as “aircraft operations carried out in remote, inhospitable regions of the world. Bush flying involves operations in rough terrain where there are often no prepared landing strips or runways”. This is most definitely … Continue reading →
After flying from Germany to Miami on Air Berlin, I had a couple of days to explore Southern Florida. I had to spend some time had the beach, as the weather was just perfect with blue skies and temperatures around … Continue reading →
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