Here is what happened on Day 2 of my “An American journey” 10 day live feed This morning I got up at 4 am, showered quickly, put on my uniform and left the hotel at 04.45 to walk over to … Continue reading

Blog entries that relate to or speak about the McDonnell Douglas MD-11, the last big tri-jet produced by the American aircraft manufacturer.
Here is what happened on Day 2 of my “An American journey” 10 day live feed This morning I got up at 4 am, showered quickly, put on my uniform and left the hotel at 04.45 to walk over to … Continue reading →
While editing some of my photos (I do about 2-10 per day usually) I came across a couple of shots of my beautiful MD-11 freighter that I wanted to share with you! I was on the ramp last winter to … Continue reading →
As most of you know, I was in South America recently. It was a long rotation – we started off from Frankfurt to Dakar in Senegal, where we stayed overnight. 14 hours later we were at work again to fly … Continue reading →
This summer I was interviewed by journalist Kim-Björn Becker of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany’s biggest newspapers. He was interested in what I do, especially taking aircraft photos combined while being a pilot. Last weekend the article about me … Continue reading →
I have been very active for the European Cockpit Association in the past weeks, working on the development of Remote and Virtual Towers, as well as UAVs (drones) in Europe! This is why I will be taking a little break … Continue reading →
Finally! The new MD-11 Calendars 2015 have arrived and you can now order them online! Just click here to go to the MD-11 Calendar 2015 page… This is your chance to get the only MD-11 calendar in the world and … Continue reading →
Now that you have seen both the images of the MD-11 Calendar 2015 for the first part of the year and May to August as well, it is time to release the last missing pictures! Above is the back side … Continue reading →
After getting a preview on the images of the first months of the new MD-11 Calendar 2015 a couple of days ago, I am very happy to be able to present you the calendar motives from April to August. Click … Continue reading →
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