Having arrived in Dubai in the early morning hours on Monday, I have had a busy time since then and hardly any sleep! Contrary to what one would usually think, going to the Dubai Airshow every day is hard work … Continue reading

Having arrived in Dubai in the early morning hours on Monday, I have had a busy time since then and hardly any sleep! Contrary to what one would usually think, going to the Dubai Airshow every day is hard work … Continue reading →
Every two years the city of Bangalore in the south of India is host to one of the biggest airshows in Asia, called Aero India. By accident I flew to Bangalore and stayed for two days, before continuing on to … Continue reading →
The “Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung” (ILA) in Berlin is coming to an end and I finally managed to get the majority of my photos online! The Berlin Air Show is the third biggest aviation and aerospace exhibition of its kind … Continue reading →
September is a busy month this year! While the new Ethiopian Dreamliner came to Frankfurt last week, this week is dominated by the bi-annual “ILA Berlin Air Show 2012”. It is the third biggest aviation and aerospace exhibition in the … Continue reading →
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